Oy With the Poodles already!

Ok, so starting at 5:00 PM on Christmas Eve and going all night until 7:00 AM Christmas morning, (with only a brief interlude to slightly upgrade our viewing experience around 4:00 AM), my sister Bridgett and I decided to have a "Gilmore Girls" marathon. For those of you who may not be familiar with this witty show, I will be the first to admit that it is one of my guilty pleasures. The tagline for the pilot episode of this show was, "Life's short. Talk fast." And talk fast they do. In a one hour episode, the characters will usually make as many as 15 references to various literary characters, movies of bygone years, hordes of musical artists and groups, and a myriad of other pop-culture, socio-political icons of the mainstream genre. That part alone is worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with this show. To add onto that, there is also the sarcastic wit and humor that is flying between character interactions throughout.

Now to be fair, to the best of my knowledge, there is no one in the world that could actually talk that fast and come up with that many obscure references on a semi-regular basis, let alone in normal every day conversation. However, it is fun to watch and imagine what it would be like to be a part of the Star's Hollow community.

Now because Bridgett and I are already Gilmore Aficionados, we decided that we would forego the first two seasons of the series and jump right into season 3. This is a critical season in that Rory is applying for college, Lorelai is preparing to open the Dragonfly, and Jess and Dean are pivotal characters in the overall story line. I'll be honest, I don't remember exactly how many episodes we got through, but I do remember during the episodes we watched, Kirk held or inquired about holding the position of 7 different occupations. Granted...it wasn't until Season 4 that he entertained us with the Night Terror Naked Run...but, it was still a good season.

I would chalk this year's marathon up to a "Good Times!" ranking. Both Bridgett and I had ample supplies of Dr. Pepper, Egg Nog, chips, Root Beer, JalapeƱo Poppers, pizza and of course, sugar. I look forward to next year's marathon and am, as always, open to suggestions.

A great tribute to a great night!
Thanks Zach
Yea that night was amazing! I didn't even think I would make it but I did thanks to the man or soda its self Dr. Pepper. Yummy!
I hope you don't mind, but I found your blog through Bridget's blog and I found Bridget's blog through my brother's blog because my brother happens to be Rory. Anyway, I was going to harmlessly browse out of curiosity unitil I saw the Gilmores! I got very excited; I almost had a hot flash. Anyway, I am a huge fan, except for season 7. I felt it was a major disappointment. Good to run into another Gilmore Guru. Sorry for the intrusion.
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